Your Muse: One Unexpected Way to Find Inspiration to Write Songs


If only it were so easy to sit down, think of a subject, write lyrics and compose a beautiful song all in the span of an instant, then aspiring songwriters and musicians would soon be hitting the tour circuit, accumulating their numerous Grammys and fighting off the fans. Alas, it doesn’t always work this way.

Some lucky few, however, can operate in this manner but most oftentimes find that they’ve hit a brick wall and need to work diligently at it. Fortunately, the process can be rewarding and incredibly fun. Here is one method for you to access your muse to write the most kick-ass pieces of music, ever: meditate. It may not be what most experts suggest for this purpose, but if done well and regularly, meditation can change the lives of aspiring songwriters from being uninspired to being unstoppable.

Meditating can be a cure-all for practically anything, including songwriter’s block. Some of the most successful people spanning many different careers meditate and will swear by it. Meditation improves brain functionality and doing it daily will steady the mind in order to have crystal clear focus. This calms the noisy chatter in the head so you can concentrate on writing, imagining, feeling and basically thinking freely and creatively: the perfect combination to develop beautiful music and songs.

Other advantages of meditating for songwriting are:  

  1. better sleep, which always can help the sleep deprived musician; 
  2. feeling happier, which may inspire you to write upbeat tunes  - and who doesn’t like a happy song? 
  3. diving deeper into yourself and your emotions - meditation unveils your true feelings whether it helps understand your pain or simply revel in your joy. It can assist in writing truly profound lyrics to be able to touch the hearts of your future fans; 
  4. mindfulness - meditating helps you be mindful of your actions, your thoughts, your interactions with others, and this strengthens your connection with people and boosts your power to empathize. This golden knowledge is key to reaching your audience with your meaningful lyrics.

Some skeptics may be reading this and trying to picture themselves completely contorted in a knot to sit properly to meditate. Shaking their heads, they might be thinking, “There is absolutely no way I am going to sit crossed-legged Buddha style to get my mojo on.” Never fear, doubters, because there are other ways to meditate, especially if you think you simply cannot sit still for more than ten minutes or longer at a time. Remember: meditation is a state of mind, so if meditation by sitting sounds daunting to you, try walking meditations.

The best way to start, if you’re new to meditation, is to listen to walking meditations to accompany your walk. Many of these are available on Spotify, SoundCloud and other similar sources. These recordings are guided and pleasant to listen to so it’s easy to follow the meditation. The added bonus is that normally in the background integrated in the music are sound waves, perfectly matching what your brain needs for a productive meditation.

Written by patrox
on 2022-03-27 11:06:57

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