Heal Your Chakras with Music


Nikolas Tesla once said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Every human body and object has an energy field with its own specific vibrational frequencies. For optimal health and vitality, the cells of a body, especially a healthy body, must resonate at the frequency to which it was designed. When the frequency drops below its requisite level, good health and well-being are jeopardized.

Why would the vibrational frequency drop? Factors such as environmental toxins in the air, poisonous substances in our food and water, dangerous “forever” chemicals in cleaning supplies, detergents, soaps, shampoos, cosmetics, clothing, kitchen supplies and so much more - all point to factors leading to a compromised immune system, which can invite unwanted viruses, bacteria and opportunistic parasites. When this occurs, the body enters a state of imbalance and disharmony and becomes extremely vulnerable to physical and psychological disease.

Raising the vibrational frequency in our bodies is of utmost importance to sustain ideal health. There are several ways to do this in addition to reducing the exposure to the previously mentioned poisons. However, today we would like to focus on other ways of raising your vibrational frequencies: balancing your chakras with music.

Chakras are energy centers in the center of the body that require balance and alignment to maintain a healthy mind, body and spirit. There are seven main chakras, each representing a specific function to regulate certain areas of the body and mind, so that everything operates at its very best by keeping the vibration as high as is required. How do we keep up the frequency with music?

Music is essentially sound that resonates at different frequencies and this speaks directly to the cells of the body. Our bodies can feel and hear the resonance, and it has the capability to "read" the language of music to heal on several levels of health: physical, spiritual and emotional.

Each chakra becomes energized by specific sounds and vibrational frequencies in music. For example, the first chakra, the root chakra, embraces the lower sounding instruments such as drums along with other percussion instruments and bass. It is related to basic survival needs, courage and power. When in perfect balance there is a better sense of security and stability. It keeps a person grounded and more able to handle the stresses of life. 

The second chakra, the sacral chakra, represents creativity and spiritual empowerment that forges beyond basic survival instincts. This chakra correlates to instruments such as trombone, trumpet and electric guitar among others. Listening to or playing these musical instruments, while at the same time balancing the chakra, will empower your ability to manage your emotions and help reach harmonic relationships with others.

The solar plexus chakra, located in your stomach area, encompasses pride, confidence and self-esteem and music and sounds played by these instruments that can help with this chakra are: guitar, violin, cello and others in this range. When the solar plexus chakra, the third chakra, is in perfect balance it can boost your ability to feel proud of yourself and take control of your life.

Representing unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, happiness and empathy, is the fourth chakra, the heart chakra. Being the halfway point between the three lower chakras and the three upper chakras, it brings everything together by bridging the chakra gap thereby unifying the physical aspects of the body with the spiritual aspects of the mind. The piano, harp and other soft stringed instruments are associated with this chakra in order to keep its vibration high. With a strengthened heart chakra that is in alignment, individuals develop self-acceptance and learn how to love, which in turn assists them in feeling and championing emotions. They are able to forgive others, feel a deep love for nature and people and will be easily able forget the negativity in the past to move forward in life.

Relating to expressing emotions and the ability to communicate clearly, chakra number five, the throat chakra, receives frequency-boosting power from flutes and other wind instruments. Another effective ways to heal the throat chakra via music is to sing. As the voice produces notes that vibrate in the vocal chords, its close proximity to the chakra makes it ideal to serve as an exceptional healing modality. A healthy throat chakra enables a person to have confidence in expressing their own thoughts and emotions and they are not afraid to share their personal truth. When this chakra is perfectly balanced a person will speak with honesty. They communicate truthfulness not only to others but also to themselves.

Next on our list is the third eye chakra, which works closely with perception and intuition: our ability to memorize, concentrate, understand, analyze and imagine. With an aligned third eye chakra, it becomes much easier to intuitively “read-between-the-lines,” have an accurate picture of what is truly happening, and have crystal clear mental clarity. Essentially, your awareness levels shoot through the roof and all your indecisiveness dissipates. In order to assist in this chakra’s balancing, the best instruments to listen to are: chimes, bells, synthesizers and voices singing mantras.

Our seventh chakra is the crown chakra, and is associated with thought, wisdom, consciousness, letting go of the ego and feeling connected to yourself, others and the universe. With an aligned crown chakra, individuals will have trust and faith in themselves and their own instincts. They will be able to detach from making material possessions important aspects in their daily lives, and find bliss by dropping the illusions that people and objects can bring them happiness. Instead, they will find their ecstasy in connecting universal consciousness to their own awareness. The best healer for the crown chakra is the crystal healing crown chakra bowl and instruments in this frequency.

Music and sound are powerful tools in upgrading your body’s ability to heal. Because chakras are energy points and energy is vibrational frequencies, when these energy vibrations are matched to the perfect sound vibrations in music, then it can create a beautiful, harmonic resonance, singing a perfect “song” to not only balance your chakras but also to maintain a harmonious balance of body, mind and spirit.

Written by patrox
on 2022-03-24 09:42:48

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