Opinions on the guitar Lag GLA T90PE


Reviews on the Guitar Lag GLA T90PE

CoachGuitar are of course, but they are also passionate about guitar and music! As in France we are lucky enough to have a world-famous guitar manufacturer, today we present one of their successful model, the LAG GLA T90PE (T90PE for Tramontane 90 Parlor Edition).

The perfect acoustic electro for the beginner

This guitar in the series of “Tramontane” has been designed to play the blues, which does not mean that you will not be able to play anything else with it. The warm sound of this guitar allows you to play in privacy, by the fire. But also to accompany bands and record yourself easily, since it has a Jack jack for guitar amp.

The warm sound is possible thanks to the use of solid tropical Khaya wood for the table. Very often tropical woods set the warm tone, and Lag understood it well. This wood is also known as African mahogany.

The Indonesian Rosewood fingerboard is very easy to play (as with all lag guitars for that matter), which makes this guitar very accessible to the novice.

High precision oil bath mechanics allow you easy and stable tuning.

“ parlor” format, reduces shoulder pain

Thanks to its “Parlor” format, that is smaller than the number 0 reference of the Martin & CO concert guitar. Your right arm will be less raised and therefore your shoulder will be less stressed. It is therefore an ideal guitar for small gabaris (women, teenagers), but also for people who have a back or shoulder pain. It is easier to hold, so easier to grasp for the beginner.

Our opinion on the Lag GLA T90PE

It is a very good guitar that goes out of the ordinary, due to its shape, and the warmth of its sounds. It's easy to play, and takes up less space than a Jumbo type guitar, which can be considered if you live in a small dwelling, or you often move with your guitar. Its price below 400 euros makes it an excellent guitar for the beginner, who will be able to keep it for many years and “grow” with his guitar.

Written by Brizzly
on 2018-02-23 15:27:06

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