Offer electric guitar lessons


Offer Electric Guitar Lessons

This year, stand out by offering a Christmas gift that's really out of the box: an electric guitar lesson! This is an idea that will warm the heart and transform the existence of the person who will receive this most unexpected gift. Learning to play a musical instrument, especially the guitar, is more than a gift, because music is recognized to broaden consciousness and learn to refine one's patience and concentration, while gaining rigor.

From what age can you learn electric guitar?

No minimum or maximum age is required to complete the CoachGuitar learning program. Just be able to hold a guitar... and carefully follow the course offered in video format to benefit from CoachGuitar's teaching.

Everything has been designed and studied to the smallest detail to ensure that a neophyte without any musical experience in this field can learn and progress in his guitar learning. To make it simple: if you know absolutely nothing about it and start completely from scratch, this method is the right one!

The student is not confronted with complicated theoretical elements. The program ensures that the apprentice guitarist manages to master easy tracks very quickly, which keeps the motivation and pleasure of learning at high levels.

One Year of E-Learning Course

Did you know that CoachGuitar is one of the most popular online lesson models for guitar? This affordable method, which span a full year, facilitates learning the accompaniment guitar, as well as developing the ability to create electric guitar solos.

It should be noted that the program also includes classical music, but these represent only a small proportion of the teaching material. Students are free to study them, or to focus on more “rock” songs.

CoachGuitar is studied for:

  • People who wish
  • to be motivated by a desire to participate or to found a musical group
  • who follow this course with the aim of accompanying a singer
  • playing guitar and singing at the same time.
  • play solos
  • learn from nothing
  • improve your technique if you already know a little.

    This program in e-Learning mode has many other advantages. Students receive new songs on a weekly basis. They can also request a song of their interest. A Karaoke Guitar mode (with a band in playback) to have fun and gain experience. It is possible to join the CoachGuitar Facebook community to share experiences and keep abreast of news, etc.

    What material is required for this course?

    To use CoachGuitar you will of course need a guitar. You must also have an Internet connection (minimum ADSL 1 Mega). Fibre, cable or 4G connections enjoy video viewing in very high resolution. A computer, smartphone or tablet is also required. Some students follow this program using a connected TV.

    How do I get a gift card?

    Just visit the page of to get a gift card. Fill out the form and add a personalized message to your recipient for more effect, and it's done!

  • Written by Brizzly
    on 2017-12-10 08:43:03

    50% OFF 🌞 Summer

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