Does the beginner pick really exist?



the beginner pick really exist?

When you think of the plectrum, you inevitably think of the 0.73mm Nylon Dunlop. Dunlop has established itself as a leader in the world of “plectrum” (and yes it is the French name of “pick”, “pick”). Small focus on this accessory as important as the.

Why the thickness 0,73mm?

If 0.73mm thickness has established itself as a standard for the beginner, it is no coincidence. In fact, this plectrum is rigid enough to play one string at a time, but flexible enough to scratch all the strings on the guitar harmoniously, without difficulty. The plectrum folds and “rounded the corners” if I dare say so.

It serves as a point of entry for understanding and handling the plectrum. It is very likely that depending on your game you will move towards thinner models (there are 0.40mm of them!) , which some guitarists love, and others hate, since it makes them feel like playing with a “sheet of paper”. Or to thicker 1mm models, which are hard like concrete!

Thinner or thicker?

The interest of a thicker plectrum, and that it gives you more power, you can play harder. You will also be able to play much faster with a 1mm plectrum than with a 0.40mm plectrum. It's almost impossible to make a fast electric guitar solo with a very fine plectrum. The reason is that it is very flexible and will bend on the rope, see you give the impression of wrapping around, but more importantly: the fineness of the plectrum amounts to increasing the distance of travel to reach another rope. Thick picks are often used by electric guitar players. Thinner picks are reserved for accompanying players who want to reduce the volume of their guitar for example.

By doing exactly the same gesture with a thin, thick plectrum, you don't put the same travel time! This is normal because you have to deduce the thickness of the gap between 2 strings to know the real displacement to produce to touch the next one.

My plectrum spins in my hand, I lose it all the time when I play!

Every beginner knows a problem, the pictrum that spins, slips, ejects itself in the middle of the game. No secret, the play with the plectrum is a real art. However, there are anti-slip plectrums of the brand Wedgie (Wedgie Derlin XT, Wedgie Nylon XT), which have a specific thumb slot, with a grip system that limits the impromptu movement of pictrums! It's simply magical for the beginner who is annoyed by the picks with too much freedom of movement!

Written by Brizzly
on 2018-02-19 18:17:24

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