How to choose guitar strings correctly?


How to choose guitar strings correctly?

Incredible as it may seem, you don't always know that you have to change your guitar strings! I regularly see beginners with completely black or impossible to tune strings, and I pass the smell of oxidized metal on my fingers!

you have to change your guitar strings, for the health of your guitar, but also for that of your fingers and ears!

We have already dedicated a complete article to. So we're not going to expand on the types of strings in this article, but rather on the feeling you're looking for.

Choosing your folk guitar strings

The folk guitar and the one that undeniably hurts your fingers. If you are more of the kind to love, the bronze phosphorus strings are almost the absolute choice.

If you are looking for durability, in order to have to change strings as often as possible, you will have to invest in strings with sheathed or molecular processing, Elixir Nanoweb, BlackSmith AOT, DR Strings Dragon Skin, La Bella Vapor Shield, Cleartone EMP and others all challenge themselves in the field of ultra-resistant guitar strings, with the of the most expensive strings of the moment for Martin & CO and his new titanium game that is around 40€!!!

If you are looking for comfort under your fingers, not 36 solutions, we recommend Silk and Steel strings from Fisoma, they are simply splendid in terms of comfort under your fingers and in terms of comfort for your ears.

Choosing your strings for classical guitar

As far as classical guitar is concerned, there are a multitude of materials, nylon, colored nylon (red, yellow, black), carbon, fluoro-carbon, but also technologies, mono filament, multi filament etc. It is therefore very easy to get lost and understand nothing. To get started we advise you to stay on simple nylon ropes (clear). La Bella 2001 is a must-have game, it is an excellent entry point that will create a sound and tactile landmark for your future choices. In addition it is available in 5 rods (we recommend that you test at least light and medium, beyond the medium, it becomes quite difficult for the beginner).

Choosing your electric guitar strings

The electric guitar is a special case because it is so easy to manipulate sound with electronics that in the end it is almost impossible for the novice to feel the difference from one set of strings to another. There are long lasting games if you have the haunting of changing your strings (Elixir Optiweb, Dr Strings Veritas, La Bella Vapor Shield, BlackSmith AOT, D'Addario NYXL) that are all great. Otherwise you can fall back on “first price” strings such as Ernie Ball Slinky, La Bella HRS, Roto Sound ROTO which are also quite honorable for a price of around €7.

Note the presence of strings specific to certain uses at DR Strings such as the Blues (DR Pure Blues), and Drop Down Tuning (DR DDT), but these are special cases, if you are already there, you are already a well advanced guitarist, congratulations!

Written by Brizzly
on 2017-11-21 09:18:52

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