How to have a good rhythm on the guitar


How to have a good rhythm on the guitar?

First you need to set 2 goals when you start with the guitar: * The

chords (fast and effective)

* The rhythm (playing rhythmics)

TO RELEAR: The 3 fundamental points on which you need to focus to have a good rhythm (I''ll come back to it in a moment..)

NOTE: Rhythm is above all a PHYSICAL story, so you have to get involved "physically"to get good results.

joueur guitare comment avoir un bon rythme

THE FOOT! (Type the time, type the rhythm)

The role in this step is that he follows your metronome, your rhythm box... whatever, he has to beat the time.This may seem useless to you, but beating the measure is very important and crucial if you want to play in rhythm.It may also seem easy but it''s a blow to take, it''s not as obvious as that in the air, so you have to think about training well.

IMPORTANT: Do not type with the heel but with the forefoot, for the simple reason that you may get tired quickly and end up stupidly with the shaking leg.We choose the foot with which we want to beat the measure and try to stick to it. You can change it if you''re really tired, but you don''t alternate left/right from one time to another. In our, you can have access to our free curriculum that allows you to understand the pace.

joueur guitare rythmique tempo battre mesure

THE HAND! (right if you are right-handed, left if you are left-handed)

Hand and foot should be synchronized, they must play at the same speed, stall on the same tempo source.In this case, don''t worry, you''ll always be on time.Your hand can go at the same speed (or twice as fast if you want), the important thing is the gear ratio.If the ratio remains stable, the rhythm will also be stable.Again, it is first and foremost a physical story before it is a brain story, as I mentioned earlier in the article. You will be able to try a beat of your arm and right hand on



You must nod your head and in the same movement, the bust, to mark the tempo.And it''s only now that you''re going to have your brain intervene to count to four.Then why are you four gonna ask me? Because 99% of what we play is cut in a 4-stroke position.I just gave you the three pillars of rhythm.

The physical involvement we have just talked about also helps to transmit energy (to you as to others), apart from the fact that it is also nicer visually, so your game will be more communicative than if you remain static.

Written by Brizzly
on 2020-01-24 14:35:04

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