How to Develop a Discipline to Practice the Guitar?


Today there are so many ways to learn the guitar that it is difficult to find the right one. That's why you will find in this article some tracks intended for a heterogeneous public. Whether you are a beginner or a more experienced guitarist, developing a discipline is essential if you want to acquire a respectable level. Besides the manuals, the tutorials on the internet, the online learning websites etc... The hardest thing is surely to develop your own discipline to practice the guitar in the best conditions.

A Tailored Methodology

As you can imagine, there is no age to start an instrument and the guitar is one of the most practiced instruments. Being part of the top three most popular instruments in France, the guitar is an easy instrument and yet it requires methodology, knowledge and practice. You can learn to play alone at home thanks to an online learning site, in a music school or even with private lessons etc... In order to learn in the best conditions and give the best of yourself, it is important that you find a methodology or a discipline that allows you to practice the guitar with efficiency.

Rigor, time and motivation or even pugnacity often is required. But is this enough? Depending on your personality and your character, your approach will be different. Some people will need to know their instrument perfectly, to be in control, while others will let themselves be carried along and learn according to their desires.

It is important to know why you want to learn the guitar. Is it to start a band and play gigs? To play only within your family circle? Or just for yourself?

Would you like to know how to improvise or play only your favorite pieces? To compose?Once you know roughly what direction to take, the question becomes whether you want to learn on your own or with a teacher.

How to Learn

You can find books, manuals, learn online and then create your own discipline and habits with ideas found here and there. Learning by yourself is a possibility but it is not for everyone. Some people need to have a teacher with an imposed agenda, while others work better in a playful way and at their own pace.

A teacher will provide you with essential assets such as expertise and a learning environment. Human contact is also essential for some of us, while for others it can be a constraint.   

You can also take a few classes and then continue your learning on your own. Anything is ultimately possible as long as the motivation is there.No matter what your skills are, you will be forced to learn certain techniques. Of course, sometimes talented musicians are only self-taught like Django Reinhardt, Jimi Hendrix, Frank Zappa, etc.

But don't forget that "without work, talent is only an artifice: it dazzles for a moment, but nothing remains" –Roger Martin Du Gard

Written by patrox
on 2022-03-27 12:54:18

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