The best guitar lessons in Paris


Take guitar lessons in Paris without mistake

Paris is the capital of the arts and within this beautiful city is possible provided you have good landmarks. Between the various associations, music schools, cultural centres, various institutions, animation centres, workshops, conservatories, we quickly got lost and made a bad choice. In addition, you can also take home classes. The panel is wide and we have condensed the information here.

guitare acoustique à paris

Associations for playing guitar in Paris

  • MPAA (Maison des Pratiques Artistic Amateurs) St Blaise (rue Saint Blaise 75020 Paris)
  • Atelier musical Paris Seine (95 rue Marcadet 75018 Paris/01 42 55 23 38
  • Octave & Arpège (4 rue St Petersburg 75008 Paris/01 42 93 47 94)
  • Atelier des 3 Tambours (16 rue Laghouat 75018 Paris/01 77 18 66 57)
  • ARPEJ (29 rue des Petites Ecuries 75010 Paris/01 42 46 26 48)
  • ACP La Manufacture Chanson (124 avenue de la République 75011 Paris/01 43 58 19 94)
  • V SART ( 11 rue Chardon Lagache 75016 Paris/01 45 20 44 60)

of music to learn guitar in Paris

  • ENSM (Ecole nationale supérieure de musique — 114 bis bld Malesherbes 75017 paris/01 47 63 85 72)
  • Schola Cantorum (269 rue Saint-Jacques 75005 Paris/01 43 54 15 39)
  • CFPM (Centre de formation professional music — 25 av Corentin Cariou 75019 Paris/09 72 23 36 72)

  • ATLA (12 villa de Guelma 75018 Paris/01 44 92 96 36)
  • IMEP (67 avenue de Paris 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt/01 46 04 90 87)
  • Polynotes (83 rue Léon Frot 75011 Paris/01 43 79 88 75)
  • CIM (83 bis rue Doudeauville 75018 Paris/01 42 58 03 40)

  • Orchestra Music
  • Arte Musici
  • Adamus
  • Learn and Fun
  • Play Notes
  • The Conservatories to become a professional guitarist in Paris

    • Centre conservatoire Mozart (53 rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau 75001 Paris/01 42 36 17 86)
    • Conservatoire Gabriel Fauré (12 rue de

    • Pontoise 75012 Paris/01 46 33 97 98)
    • Jean-Philippe Rameau Conservatory (3 ter rue Mabillon 75006 Paris/01 55 42 76 20)
    • Erik Satie Conservatory (135 bis rue de l'Université 75007 Paris/01 47 05 33 01)
    • Camille Saint-Saëns Conservatory (208 rue du faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris/01 45 63 53 84)

    • Conservatoire Nadia and Lili Boulanger (17 rue Rochechouart 75009 Paris/01 44 53 86 86)
    • Conservatoire Hector Berlioz (6 rue Pierre Bullet 75010 Paris/01 42 38 33 77)
    • Conservatoire Charles Munch (7 rue Duranti 75011 Paris/01 47 00 86 07)
    • Conservatoire Paul Dukas (51 rue Jorge Semprun 75012 Paris/01 43 47 17 66)
    • Maurice Ravel Conservatory (67 avenue Edison 75013 Paris/01 44 06 63 20)
    • Darius Milhaud Conservatory (26 rue Mouton-Duvernet 75014 Paris/01 45 39 37 27)
    • Frédéric Chopin Conservatory (43 rue Bargue 75015 Paris/01 42 73 15 32)
    • Francis Poulenc Conservatory (11 rue Jean de la Fontaine 75016 Paris/01 45 25 77 22)

    • Claude Debussy Conservatory (222 rue de Courcelles 75017 Paris/01 47 64 98 99)
    • Gustave Charpentier Conservatory (29 rue Baudelique 75018 Paris/01 42 64 24 77)
    • Jacques Ibert Conservatory (81 rue Armand Carrel 75019 Paris/01 42 06 42 70)
    • George Bizet Conservatory (54 rue des Ashriers 75020 Paris/01 40 33 50 05)

    Home guitar lessons in Paris


      Online courses at a distance

    Written by Brizzly
    on 2017-10-25 18:07:11

    50% OFF 🌞 Summer

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