Advantages of Playing Guitar


Should you or should you not take up the guitar? As you ponder this question you might think you’re too old to start something new; stop it. You’re not. If you think you don’t have time, we say not to cop out so easily. Make the time and schedule it in your agenda. Starting out playing just 10 minutes a day will eventually reap enormous rewards. Your confidence levels will shoot up the roof because you’ll notice how much you’re improving. Suddenly, you can even play your favorite songs or songs you’ve composed and perform for your friends. How proud will you feel of your accomplishment? Very proud; we are sure. Once you build a momentum of playing your guitar, the sky is the limit because you will begin to realize it has affected your life in so many ways. How many? Let us count the ways.

Focus - One way to improve your guitar playing is to pay close attention to what is happening while you play. Sounds obvious, but if you don’t pay enough attention, your musicianship will stagnate. When you focus on what you’re playing and what you will be playing just a little bit ahead, your mind needs extreme focus to made the appropriate adjustments in the music. Practicing this will greatly enhance your ability to focus and will ultimately keeps your mind sharp. Once you master playing guitar alone, then it will be nearly effortless to play in a band with others when you’ll need to keep on your toes, but by then, it’ll be a piece of cake.

Relieves Stress - Some people play tennis or grab a few rounds of boxing to get out their pent up issues. Others jog, hit a punching bag, or even scream to release stress from their system. We like to think playing the guitar is a much better option because it can be physical like sports but it is also a fun and creative outlet. You can sing and play about how you should’ve gotten the raise instead of your co-worker. It’s an opportunity to really let out your frustrations without having to resort to doing something else you might regret later.

Brain Function - Not only does playing guitar work with hand-eye coordination using both hands doing different things simultaneously, you might also have the added element of using your voice and handling all the rhythm and tonalities. Putting this all together takes brain power and when you exercise this gray matter, you strengthen its functionality in the present and in the future. What we mean by this is that it can endow you with a healthy, functioning brain, but it can also prevent future brain anomalies and maladies usually associated with age and lack of brain wellness. Overall, you will possibly become highly coordinated, smart and be able to avoid certain brain-related diseases.

Simply put: playing guitar is stimulating for the brain, health boosting, and has many more advantages than we’ve listed here. So, it’s time to grab that dusty old guitar stored away in the attic, or find one at your local guitar shop or flea market. There’s not a better time than now to embrace the sound of music and start enjoying life with its infinite benefits.

Written by patrox
on 2022-03-27 11:22:49

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